Family Prayer Healing Service
On the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Sunday, February 11, 2018 there will be a Family Healing Prayer Service (FHPS) at 3:00 PM in the church. Since this will not be Mass, please be sure to attend Mass at an earlier time that weekend. This will be different than the other healing services offered previously. Less emphasis will be made on individual personal prayer time with prayer teams and more emphasis will be made on offering specific prayers to receive freedom and healing in the family line. Rather than addressing the surface issues, this seeks to cleanse the potential root of problems and issues in our lives that may have come through the lineage.
A prerequisite to attending the FHPS involves prayerfully going through the “Spiritual Inventory Assessment” to specifically address four different access points that we may have either knowingly or unknowingly given access to the enemy. We will identify what areas in our lives may have been “lost ground.” This will take place on Saturday, February 3rd beginning around 6:15 PM and lasting for about an hour. During that night, a summary of five cardinal points for healing in our family will also be shared. The fruit gained from this time will be incorporated into the FHPS. The recorded audio from that evening can be accessed by clicking here.
While one may not necessarily complete the entire spiritual inventory that evening, at least it will give you a start, with the hopes that you would finish it before coming to the FHPS on the 11th. Even if you don’t think you are in need of family prayer healing, come by anyways and join us. You may be able to share this information to help friends and neighbors who could benefit – an opportunity to extend charity!
*For those unable to make it on 2/3, there will be handouts available in the office to pick up beginning the following Monday, but it may not be self-explanatory.